Thursday, 10 December 2009

Phase 2

... maybe if I cut out the "spirits" and revert to cider, surely that constitutes cutting out?
I could then say, without lying, "dont touch spirits". Ok, so i have to consume greater quantities of the liquid to have the effect, but then again, that means peeing more... which is surely a good thing(???)....flush out the system....

Unbeknown to me, the process had started. The deterioration was not going to stop, just because the ABV number was lower. If any of this sounds familiar, then, hey!, heres a major revelation "Your not unique...". The reaction you make to this revelation, is in your hands.

White cider, and scrumpy, was becoming my daily thirst quencher. Unfortunately my thirst never became quenched. I discovered all of the local shops selling it, but became Mr Clever, and alternating which one I went to, so the assistants would never suspect. One assisstant did let me know the time though....."I'm afraid its only 7:47am, and I cant serve alcohol until 8:00am...." I let the other people in the queue through, and browsed the magazine rack for the next 13 minutes. The slight pang of embarrassment soon dissappeared after the first gulp.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, I'm an alcoholic and I've just stared going for AA since Monday. I'm insane, paranoid, intelligent, a narcissist. I was researching alcoholism and stumbled on you blog. I am still reading, learning, understanding. Would appreciate if you have the time to communicate. Hope you are doing well and extremely pround of yourself. Cheers!
