Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Phase 18 : Stewed Liver and Onions. One makes you cry, the other ones an onion...

Being an Alcoholic should mean that I wake up every morning with temptation tugging at my first thoughts of the day. That taking each day as it comes means breathing a sigh of relief, at the end of each alcohol free day achieved. Or that is what I have been lead to believe. However, I want to be in a mind state that "not" thinking about what I have achieved that day becomes the norm. After all I dont mentally slap myself on the back for not taking up smoking that day, or refusing that last doughnut. Thinking about "not" drinking, means thinking about drinking not done, thinking about drinking resisted, thinking about drinking. The same way telling someone to not think about a banana, makes them think about, not thinking about, a banana. I may be fooling myself, in the thought that I will always take it for granted I dont drink. It may be reckless to be "letting my guard down", by not constantly reinforcing to myself that "its one more day", and "theres another challenge round the corner, be prepared". I think that reinforcing the positive aspects, without even mentioning alcohol, is a more effective future strategy.
I am delighted with my confidence, and assertiveness, and stubborness (yes, a good trait if used correctly), and ability to walk in a straight line, and remember the following day.

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